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direct billing at Rumi optical

We do Direct Billing for all major extended health plans. Rumi Optical is a provider for most insurance plans available in Canada. Ask us how we can help you to reduce your out-of-pocket payment through direct billing. We do direct billing to the following participating insurance plans:

1. Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan

2. Cowan Insurance Group (managed by Express Scripts Canada)

3. Desjardins Insurance

4. Great-West Life

5. Green Shield Canada(GSC)

6. Industrial Alliance

7. Johnson Inc.

8. Manulife Financial

9. Maximum Benefit or Johnston Group

10. Pacific Blue Cross

11. Standard Life Assurance Company of Canada

12. Sun Life Financial

For Further information please call us at 604-682-2788

Security You Can Trust

RUMI Optical is honored to be trusted by more than 35000, Canada wide, satisfied and happy customers.RUMI Optical is secured with a Starfield Technologies Web Server Certificate. We protect your personal information against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We have created and maintain technical measures to ensure that your personal information is securely recorded and processed in a confidential manner. Click on following security seal to read more: